Horse Sales & Stallions at Stud

Now Introducing...

Sale photos! After having gone through the sale process myself more than once, I know first-hand how stressful and frustrating it can be. I also know how frustrating it can be as a buyer, trying to get an accurate photo to judge a horse's conformation. Maybe you don't have a spare hand around the barn to help you take a photo of the horse you're selling. Or maybe the horse you need off your feed bill isn't as flashy as the others on the market. Investing in a Sale Session would be the perfect solution for you! The photos also make for a great gift to the future new owner, I might add. Professional photos of a horse make your ad stand out amongst the others, and hard to miss. Personally, I feel that professional photos add an expensive, and classy touch to a horse, even if they are neither of those things ;)


By paying for the session rate listed below, you will receive all edited high resolution files with printing and social media rights. If you would like to purchase prints, wall art, or anything else using one of the photos from your session, it is all available in my store. If you would like to see the products Caitlyn Bree Photography offers, click here! If you don't see something that you're looking to purchase, contact me and we can discuss options. It is highly recommended that you purchase your prints through my store for the highest quality. If you choose to print your photos at exterior places such as Walmart or CVS, I am not responsible for the quality, color, or any other issues that occur while printing elsewhere. Photo turnover time depends on how busy I am at the time of your shoot, contact me to see what my current schedule is. If you need the photos by a specific date, it is imperative that you discuss this with me when inquiring. If you cancel the shoot in 6 days or less without a reasonable excuse, you will be expected to pay 50% of the price of the shoot.


First and foremost, nice footing. We want to be able to see the legs and feet clearly to depict the true conformation of the horse. Preferably concrete or arena footing, even short cut grass. Even then, the hooves may be a little hidden, so I always recommend at least one photo on something like concrete.

Your horse should be bathed beforehand, clipped if need be, and brushed again right before we begin, just to keep as much dirt removed as possible. The horse's mane and tail should be brushed. If braids are desired, they are welcomed! Generally, the braids or banding varies based on breed, and discipline, so take that into consideration when preparing. Showsheen if you have it, if not, it is not a problem. PAINT FEET!! The difference it makes is insane, and looks so much more clean. The horse can be "naked" if preferred, but I suggest a leather halter if the birthday suit isn't the look you're going for. Or a bridle fitting to the horses discipline, with the reins removed, looks just as beautiful. If you don't have nice cleaned up tack, I have an "Equine Client Closet" that will pictures available to view soon. Some owners like to showcase the versatility of the horse, so if you desire tacked up profile shots (ex: full english tack, full western tack), that can be arranged as well.

If you have any treats, squeaky toys, mirrors, water bottles, or anything that you know gets your horse's attention, have them ready! Have someone (barn friend, trainer, etc) readily available to help things run smoothly. I find that the less people around, the more comfortable the horse feels. Having someone who knows the horse is best, they will need to assist in getting ears forward, legs in correct placement, adjusting mane/tail, etc.

+ Traditional: $275 FOR FIRST HORSE, $250 FOR


+ Premium: $350 for first horse, $325 for


+ all inclusive: $450 for first horse, $425 for



  • 5 edited conformation shots (left full body profile, right full body profile, direct rear, direct front, and headshot) with printing and social media rights
  • Turnout mini session, shows the horse's movement


  • 5 edited conformation shots (same poses as traditional)
  • Turnout mini session, shows the horse's movement
  • 5 performance shots (varies by discipline) with or without rider, with printing and social media rights. *ex: jumper free jumping, reining horse performing a slide stop*

all Inclusive

  • 5 edited conformation shots (same poses as traditional)
  • Turnout mini session, shows the horse's movement
  • 5 edited performance shots (varies by discipline) with or without rider, with printing and social media rights. *ex: jumper free jumping, reining horse performing a slide stop*
  • Black background mini session with printing and social media rights